Riccardo Fazio Reprints
An Iterative Transformation Method for a Similarity Boundary Layer Model
. Preprint, 2025.
Free Boundary Formulation for Boundary Value Problems on Semi-Infinite Intervals: An up to Date Review
. Submitted to: Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 2025.
A Non-Iterative Transformation Method Applied to Boundary-Layer Flows of Non-Newtonian Fluids
. Submitted to: J. Comput. Sci., 2025.
Numerical Transformation Mehtods for a Moving-Wall Boundary Layer Flow of a Rarefied Gas Free Stream over a Moving Flat Plate
. Mathematics, 13, (2025) 601.
Free Boundary Formulation of two Extended Blasius Problems
. Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 153 (2023) 104423.
A Non-Iterative Transformation Method for Boundary-Layer with Power-Law Viscosity for non-Newtonian Fluids
. Calcolo, 59, 43, 2022.
A Front Fixing Implicit Finite Difference Method for the American Put Option Model
. Joint work with: A. Jannelli and A. Insana. Math. Comput. Appl., 1, 0, 2021.
A Non-Standard Finite Difference Scheme for Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics Boundary Layer Flow of an Incompressible Fluid Past a Flat Plate
. Joint work with A. Jannelli, Math. Comput. Appl., 26, 22, 2021.
Existence and Uniqueness of BVPs Defined on Infinite Intervals: Insight from the Iterative Transformation Method
. Math. Comput. Appl., 26, 18, 2021.
Perpetual American Put Option: an Error Estimator for a Non-Standard Finite Difference Scheme
. Appl. Math. E-Notes, 21, 282-290, 2021.
A Non-Iterative Transformation Method for an Extended Blasius Problem
. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 44, 1996-2001, 2021.
Scaling Invariance and Numerical Transformation Methods: A Unifying Framework
. Appl Engin. Sci., 4, 100024, 2020.
OCTAVE per l'Economia e la Finanza. TGBook Ed., Sandrigo, 2020.
American Put Option: Richardson's extrapolation and a Posteriori Error Estimator for a Front-Fixing Finite Difference Scheme
. Appl. Math. E-Notes, 20,445-457, 2020.
The Iterative Transformation Method
. Int. J. Nonlinear Mech., 116, 181-194, 2019.
The Non-Iterative Transformation Method
. Int. J. Nonlinear Mech., 114, 41-48, 2019.
Numerical study on gas flow through a micro-nano porous medium based on finite difference schemes on quasi-uniform grids
. Joint work with A. Jannelli and T. Rotondo. Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 105, 186-191, 2018.
Two finite difference methods for a nonlinear BVP arising in physical oceanography
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. AAPP | Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, 96, A3, 2018.
BVPs on infinite intervals: A test problem, a nonstandard finite difference scheme and a posteriori error estimator
. Joint work with A. Jannelli, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 40, 6285-6294, 2017.
Well-posed initial conditions and numerical methods for one-dimensional models of liquid dynamics in a horizontal capillary
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. Comput. Appl. Math., 36, 903-913, 2017.
Front fixing finite difference schemes for American put options model
. Joint work with A. Insana and A. Jannelli, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICNAAM 2015) AIP Conf. Proc. 1738, 480123-1--480123-4, 2016.
A Non-Iterative Transformation Method for Blasius Equation with Moving Wall or Surface Gasification
, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 78, 156-159, 2016.
The Iterative Transformation Method for the Sakiadis Problem
, Comput. & Fluids, 106, 196-200, 2015.
Free Boundary Formulation for BVPs on a Semi-infinite Interval and Non-iterative Transformation Methods
. Acta Appl. Math., 140, 27-42, 2015.
A Posteriori Error Estimator for a Front-Fixing Finite Difference Scheme for American Options
. WCE2015, London June 30 - July 3, 2015.
Metodi Numerici per Problemi ai Valori Iniziali, TGBook Ed., Sandrigo, 2014.
Elementi di Analisi Numerica, TG Book ed., 2014.
Finite Difference Schemes on Quasi-Uniform Grids for BVPs on Infinite Intervals
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 269, 14-23, 2014.
A Non-Iterative Transformation Method for Newton's Free Boundary Problem
. Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 59, 23-27, 2014.
An Analytical and Numerical Study of Liquid Dynamics in a 1D Capillary under Entrapped Gas Action
. Joint work with S. Iacono. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 37, 2923-2933, 2014.
Quasi-uniform Grids and Ad Hoc Finite Difference Schemes for BVPs on Infinite Intervals
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. ENUMATH 2013.
Blasius Problem and Falkner-Skan model: Toepfer's Algorithm and its Extension
. Computers Fluids, 73, 202-209, 2013.
Scaling Invariance and the Iterative Transformation Method for a Class of Parabolic Moving Boundary Problems
. Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 50, 136-140, 2013.
Extended Scaling Invariance of One-dimensional Models of Liquid Dynamics in a Horizontal Capillary
. Joint work with S. Iacono, A. Jannelli, G. Cavaccini, and V. Pianese. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 35, 935-942, 2012.
A Central Schemes and Second Order Boundary Conditions for 1D Interface and Piston Problems in Lagrangian Coordinates
. Joint work with G. Russo. Commun. Comput. Phys., 8, 797-822, 2010.
An Instance of Failure for the MATLAB Explicit ODE45 Solver
. Proceedings ICAEM 2010. London, June 30 - July 2, 2010.
On the Moving Boundary Formulation for Parabolic Problems on Unbounded Domains
. Joint work with S. Iacono. Int. J. Comput. Math., 87, 186-198, 2010.
On the Equivalence of Non-Iterative Transformation Methods Based on Scaling and Spiral Groups
. Joint work with S. Iacono. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 30, 585-591, 2010.
One-dimensional Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of Liquids Dynamics in a Horizontal Capillary
. Joint work with G. Cavaccini, V. Pianese, S. Iacono, and A. Jannelli. J. Comput. Meth. Sci. Eng., 9, 3-16, 2009.
Numerical Transformation Methods: Blasius Problem and its Variants
. Appl. Math. Comput., 215, 1513-1521, 2009.
Second Order Positive Schemes by means of Flux Limiters for the Advection Equation
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. IAENG Int. J. Appl. Math., 2009.
Pseudo-Spectral Methods for Linear Advection and Dispersive Problems
. Joint work with S. Iacono. IAENG Int. J. Appl. Math., 2009.
Second Order Numerical Operator Splitting for 3D Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Models
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. Proceedings ENUMATH 2009.
Liquid Penetrant Testing: Industrial Process
. Joint work with G. Caturano, G. Cavaccini, A. Ciliberto, and V. Pianese, Communications to SIMAI Congress, 2009.
Liquid Dynamics in a Horizontal Capillary: Extended Similarity Analysis
. Joint work with S. Iacono, A. Jannelli, G. Cavaccini, and V. Pianese, to appear: Communications to SIMAI Congress, 2009.
Ill and Well-Posed One-Dimensional Models of Liquid Dynamics in a Horizontal Capillary
. Joint work with A. Jannelli, Communications to SIMAI Congress, 2009.
On Translation Groups and Non-iterative Transformation Methods
. Joint work with S. Iacono, Communications to SIMAI Congress, 2009.
Transformation Methods for the Blasius Problem and its Recent Variants
. Proceedings ICAEM 2008. London, July 2-4, 2008.
Scaling and Spiral Equivalence from a Numerical Viewpoint
. Joint work with S. Iacono. Proceedings ICAEM 2008. London, July 2-4, 2008.
Numerical Scaling Invariance Applied to the van der Pol Model
. Acta Appl. Math., 104, 107-114, 2008.
A Two Immiscible Liquids Penetration Model for Surface-Driven Capillary Flows
. Joint work with S. Iacono, A. Jannelli, G. Cavaccini, and V. Pianese. Presented at the ICIAM 2007.
On the Moving Boundary Formulation for Parabolic Problems on Unbounded Domains
. Joint work with S. Iacono. Presented at the ICIAM 2007.
Invited talk at WASCOM07 Congress,
Scicli, June 30 -- July 7, 2007, joint work with A. Jannelli.
Local Error Reduction for First Order Implicit Pseudo-Spectral Methods Applied to Linear Advection Models
. Joint work with Alessandra Jannelli and Salvatore Iacono.
Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of Liquids Dynamics in a Horizontal Capillary
. Joint work with G. Cavaccini, V. Pianese, S. Iacono, and A. Jannelli. Presented at the ICCMSE 2006.
Mathematical and Numerical Modeling for a Bio-Chemical Aquarium
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. Appl. Math. Comp., 174, 1370-1383, 2006
Implicit Pseudo-Spectral Methods for Dispersive and Wave Propagation Problems
. Joint work with A. Jannelli. Communications to SIMAI Congress, 2006.
Adaptive Stiff Solvers at Low Accuracy and Complexity
. Joint work with A. Jannelli, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 191, 246-258, 2006.
Numerical Analysis for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Models in 3D
. Joint work with A. Jannelli, Poster presented at NAC2005, Numerical Analysis: the State of the Art, Cosenza, May 21-25, 2005.
Moving-Mesh Methods for One-dimensional Hyperbolic Problems Using CLAWPACK
. Joint work with Randy J. LeVeque. Comp. Math. Appl., 45, 273-298, 2003
A Free Boundary Approach and Keller's Box Scheme for Boundary Value Problems on Infinite Intervals
. Int. J. Comput. Math., 80, 1549-1560, 2003.
Stiffness in Numerical Initial Value Problems: A and L-Stability of Numerical Methods
Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Tech., 32, 752-760, 2001. MATLAB files available:
The Iterative Transformation Method: Numerical Solution of One-Dimensional Parabolic Moving Boundary Problems
. 78, 213-223, Int. J. Comput. Math., 2001.
Comparison of Two Conservative Schemes for Hyperbolic Interface Problems
. Presented at the ENUMATH 2001 (Fourth European Conference on Numerical Mathematics), Ischia, 23-28 July 2001
Similarity and Numerical Analysis of a Singular Moving Boundary Hyperbolic Problem
. Presented at the 11th ECMI (the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry) Conference, Torre Normanna -- Palermo, 26-30 September 2000.
A Survey on Free Boundary Identification of the Truncated Boundary in Numerical BVPs on Infinite Intervals
. Presented at the ICCAM 2000 Conference, Leuven, 17-21 July 2000. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 140, 331-344, 2002.
A 3D Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Mucilage Dynamics
. Joint work with A. Jannelli and D. Ambrosi. Presented at the AMIF (Applied Mathematics for Industrial) Flows 2nd Inter. Conference, Il Ciocco, 12-14 October 2000.
A Lagrangian Central Scheme for Multi-Fluid Flows
. Joint work with G. Russo. Presented at the Eighth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Teory, Numerics, Applications, Magdeburg, 28 Febbraio - 3 Marzo, 2000.
Numerical Applications of the Scaling Concept
. Acta Appl. Math., 55, 1-25, 1999. For the Bibliography print the
file and use the BIB files:
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A Similarity Approach to the Numerical Solution of Free Boundary Problems
. SIAM Rev., 40, 616-635, 1998
A Numerical Test for the Existence and Uniqueness of Free Boundary Problems
. Appl. Anal., 66, 89-100, 1997.
A Novel Approach to the Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems on Infinite Intervals
. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 33, 1473-1483, 1996.
The Falkner-Skan Equation: Numerical Solutions within Group Invariance Theory
. Calcolo, 31, 115-124, 1994.
An Implicit Difference Scheme for a Moving Boundary Hyperbolic Problem
. Joint work with David J. Evans, Appl. Numer. Math., 12, 485-496, 1993.
A Moving Boundary Hyperbolic Problem for a Stress Impact in a Bar of Rate-Type Materials
. Wave Motion, 16, 299-305, 1992.
Numerical Length Estimation for Tubular Flow Reactors
. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 41, 313-321, 1992.
The Blasius Problem Formulated as a Free Boundary Value Problem
. Acta Mech, 95, 1-7, 1992.
The Iterative Transformation Method and Length Estimation for Tubular Flow Reactors
. Appl. Math. Comput., 42, 105-110, 1991.
Normal Variables Transformation Methods Applied to Free Boundary Value Problems
. Int. J. Comput. Math., 37, 189-199, 1990.
Similarity and Numerical Analysis for Free Boundary Value Problems
. Joint work with David J. Evans, Int. J. Comput. Math., 31, 215-220, 1990.
A Nonlinear Hyperbolic Free Boundary Value Problem
. Acta Mech., 81, 221-226, 1990.
This is an experimental page. Comments, to
Riccardo Fazio
, will be most welcome.
Riccardo Fazio
. Last modified: February 13, 2025.