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Papers on journals

  1. Gorgone, M., Munafò, C.F., Palumbo, A., Rogolino, P. A thermodynamical suspension model for blood. Meccanica, in press, 2024.
  2. Inferrera, G., Munafò, C.F., Oliveri, F., Rogolino, P. Reaction-diffusion models of crimo–taxis in a street.Applied Mathematics and Computation, 467, 128504, 2024.
  3. Munafò, C.F., Rogolino, P., Kovács, R. Nonlinear thermal analysis of two-dimensional materials with memory. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 219, 124847, 2024.
  4. Kóvacs, R., Rogolino, P., Oliveri, F. Mathematical Aspects in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. Symmetry, 15, 929, 2023.
  5. Cimmelli, V.A., Rogolino, P. Approximation of Composition and Temperature Dependent Heat Conductivity and Optimization of Thermoelectric Energy Conversion in Silicon–Germanium Alloys, Entropy, 24, 1397, 2022.
  6. Cimmelli, V.A., Rogolino, P. New and Recent Results for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion in Graded Alloys at Nanoscale. Nanomaterials, 12, 2378, 2022.
  7. Gorgone, M., Oliveri, F., Ricciardello, A., Rogolino, P. Two-dimensional equilibrium configurations in Korteweg fluids. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 49, 111-122, 2022.
  8. Cimmelli, V.A., Rogolino, P. The role of the second law of thermodynamics in continuum physics: A Muschik and Ehrentraut theorem revisited. Symmetry, 2022, 14(4), 763.
  9. Munafò, C.F., Rogolino, P. Analysis of a hyperbolic heat transfer model in blood-perfused biological tissues with laser heating. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2022, 8(4), 2383–4536.
  10. Gorgone, M., Rogolino, P. A thermodynamical description of third grade fluid mixtures. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2022, 47(2), 133–142.
  11. Kovács, R., Rogolino, P. Jou, D. When theories and experiments meet: Rarefied gases as a benchmark of non-equilibrium thermodynamic models. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2021, 169, 103574.
  12. Gorgone, M., Oliveri, F., Rogolino, P. Thermodynamical analysis and constitutive equations for a mixture of viscous Korteweg fluids. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(9), 093102.
  13. Gorgone, M., Rogolino, P. On the characterization of constitutive equations for third-grade viscous Korteweg fluids. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(4), 043107.
  14. Balassa, G., Rogolino, P., Rieth, A., Kovács, R. New perspectives for modelling ballistic-diffusive heat conduction. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2021, 33(5), 2007–2026.
  15. Gorgone M., Oliveri F., Rogolino P. Continua with non-local constitutive laws: exploitation of entropy inequality. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 126, 103573 (2020).
  16. Rogolino P., Cimmelli V. A. , Thermal conductivity and enhanced thermoelectric efficiency of composition-graded SicGe1-c alloys; Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 71 (3),(2020).
  17. Kovacs R., Rogolino P., Numerical treatment of nonlinear Fourier and Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte heat transport equations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150, (2020), 119281.
  18. Rogolino P, V.A. Cimmelli, Fitting thermal conductivity and optimizing thermoelectric efficiency in SicGe1−c nanowires, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, (2019), pp. 279-291.
  19. Rogolino P., Cimmelli V. A., Differential consequences of balance laws In Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics of rigid heat conductors, Proceedings of the Royal of London A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 475, (2019), 20180482.
  20. Rogolino P:, Kovacs R., Van P., Cimmelli V. A., Generalized heat-transport equations: parabolic and hyperbolic models. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 30 (6), 2018, pp. 1245-1258.
  21. Rogolino P., Cimmelli V. A., Thermoelectric efficiency of graded Sic Ge1-c alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 124 (9), (2018), 094301.
  22. Rogolino P., Farsaci F., Relativistic phenomenological equations and transformation laws of relative coefficients. AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Volume 95, Issue 1, (2017).
  23. Rogolino P., Sellitto A., Cimmelli V. A., Minimal entropy production and efficiency of energy conversion in nonlinear thermoelectric systems with two temperatures. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 42, Issue 3, (2017), pp. 287-303.
  24. Cimmelli V.A., Rogolino P., Sellitto A., A nonlinear model of thermoelectricity with twotemperatures: Application to quasicrystalline nanowires. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57 (4), (2016), 043507.
  25. Farsaci F., Rogolino P., A special relativistic approach of non-equilibrium thermodynamics with internal variables , Applied Sciences, 18 (1), (2016), pp. 30-42.
  26. Sellitto A., Rogolino P., Carlomagno I., Heat-pulse propagation along non-equilibrium nanowires in thermomass theory. Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 7 (2), (2016) pp. 39-55.
  27. Oliveri F., Palumbo A., Rogolino P., On a model of mixtures with internal variables: Extended Liu procedure for the exploitation of the entropy principle AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 94 (1), (2016).
  28. Rogolino P., Sellitto A., Cimmelli, V. A., Influence of nonlinear effects on the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 66 (5), (2015), pp. 2829-2842.
  29. Rogolino P., Sellitto A., Cimmelli V.A., Influence of the electron and phonon temperature and of the electric-charge density on the optimal efficiency of thermoelectric nanowires Dedicated to Prof. Bruno A. Boley, on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday. Mechanics Research Communications, 68, (2015), pp. 77-82.
  30. Francaviglia M., Palumbo A., Rogolino P., A geometric theory of micropolar mixtures with internal variables. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 11 (5), (2014), 1450046.
  31. Francaviglia M., Restuccia L., Rogolino P., Thermodynamics of ferromagnetic crystals. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 9 (8), (2012), 1250064.
  32. Farsaci F., Rogolino P., An alternative dielectric model for low and high frequencies: A non- equilibrium thermodynamic approach. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 37 (1), (2012), pp. 27-41.
  33. Farsaci F., Ciancio V., Rogolino P., Mechanical model for relaxation phenomena in viscoanelastic media of order one. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405 (16), (2010), pp. 3208-3212.
  34. Ciancio V., Farsaci F., Rogolino P., On a thermodynamical model for dielectric relaxation phenomena. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405 (1), (2010), pp. 175-179.
  35. Ciancio V., Farsaci F., Rogolino P., On entropy production in relativistic thermodynamics. BSG PROCEEDINGS 17 Vol. 17, (2010), pp. 41-48.
  36. Ciancio V., Farsaci F., Rogolino P., Mathematical approach to the relaxation phenomena. Applied Sciences, 11, (2009), pp. 48-59.
  37. Francaviglia M., Palumbo A., Rogolino P., Constitutive equations for internal variables thermodynamics of suspensions. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 34 (1), (2009), pp. 47-60.
  38. Ciancio, V., Farsaci, F., Rogolino, P. Phenomenological approach on wave propagation in dielectric media with two relaxation times Physica B: Condensed Matter, 404 (2), (2009), pp. 320-324.
  39. Ciancio V., Farsaci F., Rogolino P. On the extension of Debye’s model for media with dielectric relaxation, International Journal of Engineering and Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 1, (2009), pp. 57-63.
  40. Francaviglia, M., Palumbo, A., Rogolino, P. Internal variables thermodynamics of two component mixtures under linear constitutive hypothesis with an application to superfluid helium. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 33 (2), (2008), pp. 149-164.
  41. Francaviglia M., Palumbo A., Rogolino P., Thermodynamics of mixtures as a problem with internal variables. The general theory. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 31 (4), (2006), pp. 419-429.
  42. Francaviglia M., Restuccia L., Rogolino P., A geometric model for magnetizable bodies with internal variables AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 83, (2005).
  43. Palumbo A., Papenfuss C., Rogolino P., A mesoscopic approach to diffusion phenomena in mixtures. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 30 (4), (2005), pp. 401-419.
  44. Ciancio V., Francaviglia M., Rogolino P., Elastic-plastic deformation of a single crystal in a geometrized theory of thermodynamic spaces with internal variables. Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications, (2004) 9 (2), pp. 1-12.
  45. Francaviglia M., Restuccia L., Rogolino P., Entropy production in polarizable bodies with internal variables. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 29 (3), (2004), pp. 221-235.
  46. Cimmelli V.A., Rogolino P., A domain of influence theorem in linear thermo-elasticity with thermal relaxation and internal variable. Archives of Mechanics, 54 (1), (2002), pp. 15-33.
  47. Papenfuss C., Ciancio V., Rogolino P., Application of the Mesoscopic Theory to Dipolar Media. Technische Mechanik, Band 22,(2), (2002), 132-140.
  48. Cimmelli V.A., Rogolino P., On the mathematical structure of thermodynamics with internal variables. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 26 (3), (2001), pp. 231-242.
  49. Ciancio V., Dolfin M., Francaviglia M., Rogolino P., Thermodynamic transformations in magnetically polarizable undeformable media. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 26 (3), (2001), pp. 255-267.
  50. Ciancio V., Cimmelli V. A., Rogolino P., Verhas J., Some remarks on the linearization procedure for thermoelastic solids with and without internal variable. Engineering Mechanics, 8 (4), (2001), pp.265-276.
  51. Rogolino P., Modelli geometrici in termomeccanica classica dei continui con applicazioni a fenomeni irreversibili. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana A, 2 (1 SUPPL.),(1999), pp. 171-174.
  52. Dolfin, M., Francaviglia M., Rogolino P., Geometric model for the thermodynamics of simple materials. Periodica Polytechnica, Mechanical Engineering, 43 (1), (1999), pp. 29-36.
  53. Dolfin M., Francaviglia M., Rogolino P., A Geometric Perspective on Irreversible Thermodynamics with Internal Variables. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 23 (3), (1998), pp. 250-263.
  54. Dolfin M., Rogolino P., Acceleration waves and stability. (1998) Mechanics Research Communications, 25 (1), (1998), pp. 91-96.
  55. Rogolino P., Wave solutions in rheological media. Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering, 41 (1), (1997), pp. 73-85.

Papers on Proceedings and Volumes

  1. Palumbo A., Rogolino P., A mesoscopic model of diffusion in mixtures. Proceedings of 7th International workshop on Complex System in Natural and Social Sciences, (2002), pp.139-148.
  2. Ciancio V., Cimmelli V.A., Rogolino P., On the linearization procedure in classical thermoelasticity. Proceedings Wascom 99, edited by V. Ciancio, A. Donato, F. Oliveri, S. Rionero, 444-452, World Scientific, Singapore, (2001).
  3. Rogolino P., An Application of Finite Strain Elastic-Plastic Theory, Proceedings Wascom 99, edited by V. Ciancio, A. Donato, F. Oliveri, S. Rionero, 444-452, World Scientific, Singapore, (2001).
  4. Dolfin M., Francaviglia M., Rogolino, P. An application of a geometrical framework to anelastic systems, in Proceedings of “The international Symposium on Trends in Continuum Physics TRECOP 98”, (1998), pp. 99-107.
  5. Dolfin M., Francaviglia M., Rogolino P., On the geometric structures of thermodynamic spaces. In Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, (1997), pp. 217-222.
  6. Rogolino P., Waves solution in rheological media, in Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, (1996).