A.Y. 2023/2024: "Mathematical Methods and Models for Data Science" (S.S.D. MAT/07, Master's Degree in Data Science) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2023/2024: "Mathematics for Data Analysis" (S.S.D. MAT/07, Bachelor's Degree Course in Computer Science, curriculum Data Analysis) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2023/2024: "Perfezionamento Informatico" (Ph.D. Course in "Chemical Science") at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2023/2024: "Corso LaTeX" (Degree Course in Mathematics) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2022/2023: "Mathematical Methods and Models for Data Science" (S.S.D. MAT/07, Master's Degree in Data Science) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2022/2023: "Mathematics for Data Analysis" (S.S.D. MAT/07, Bachelor's Degree Course in Computer Science, curriculum Data Analysis) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2022/2023: "Simmetrie di Lie di equazioni differenziali" (Ph.D. Course in "Mathematics and Computational Science") at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2022/2023: "Corso LaTeX" (Degree Course in Mathematics) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2021/2022: "Mathematics for Data Analysis" (S.S.D. MAT/07, Bachelor's Degree Course in Computer Science, curriculum Data Analysis) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2021/2022: "Computer Algebra" (Ph.D. Course in "Mathematics and Computational Science") at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2021/2022: "Corso LaTeX" (Degree Course in Mathematics) at the University of Messina.
A.Y. 2020/2021: "Corso LaTeX" (Degree Course in Mathematics) at the University of Messina.
October, 2019 - September, 2022: Teaching assistant for the Master's Degree Course in Mathematics "Geometric methods in mathematical physics" (S.S.D. MAT/07) at the University of Messina.
October, 2018 - September, 2021: Teaching assistant for the Master's Degree Course in Mathematics "Lie symmetries of differential equations" (S.S.D. MAT/07) at the University of Messina.
S.Y. 2019/2020: Teacher of Computer Science at the Liceo "Vittorio Emanuele III" in Patti (ME),
the I.T.E.T "E. Fermi" in Barcellona P.G. (ME) and the I.T.T. "Copernico" in Barcellona P.G. (ME).
April, 2019 - June, 2019: Tutor in the project "Piano Lauree Scientifiche" at the University
of Messina.
S.Y. 2018/2019: Teacher of Computer Science at the Liceo "Vittorio Emanuele III" in Patti (ME) and
the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Merendino" in Capo d’Orlando (ME).
S.Y. 2017/2018: Teacher of Computer Science at the Istituto Tecnico Nautico "Caio Duilio" in
S.Y. 2016/2017: Teacher of Computer Science at the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Merendino" in
Capo d’Orlando (ME).
May, 2016 - November, 2016: Specialized Tutor in the project "Attività di tutorato specialistico -
didattico per il potenziamento delle conoscenze dell'accesso ai corsi di studio a numero
programmato" at the University of Messina.
November, 2016: Tutor in the project "Attività di tutorato informativo e per
attività didattico-integrative, propedeutiche e di recupero sui fondi M.I.U.R." at the University of Messina.
April, 2016 - July, 2016: Tutor in the project "Piano Lauree Scientifiche" at the University
of Messina.
April, 2016 - May, 2016: Teacher of Mathematics and Physics at the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Liceo "Medi" in Barcellona P.G. (ME).